Does anyone have the Maxtoblenderv2. I searched everywhere but no results. Joined: Jun 10, Messages: 3 Likes Received: 0. Yes please upload if anyone has it! Thank you. Joined: Mar 10, Messages: Likes Received: Visionmaster Member.
Joined: Jul 13, Messages: 9 Likes Received: 7. Thanks for this share, hopefully some skilled brains turns this into a public release. Good point! Yes, there are limits on my machine to geometry size, which will approximately around 1.
Maybe a memory issue, maybe a matter for the next update release of this plugin. Visionmaster likes this. Joined: May 22, Messages: 3, Likes Received: 3, Why would you downgrade from 3D Max to Blender? But like I asked why downgrade to something like Blender? Seems like a waste of time to me. Joined: May 12, Messages: 43 Likes Received: Blender is even And it now has realtime renderer.
There is a very skilled wanderer in the desert who could help out for sure , if this matter is in his field of interest doing so. In version v2. Good luck! PS: Btw the retail installer is in post 3! Joined: Dec 11, Messages: 2, Likes Received: You only have to replace two text lines. And change the two occurrences of to if you want to use it in Max I exported a vray scene from Max and it wrote out the fbx file.
Blender 2. Maybe it needs a specific version of Blender mine is a few months old or I have to do some conversion myself? I'll worry about it when I actually start using Blender Nice one!
Joined: Jun 3, Messages: Likes Received: Maybe something in RC1 that confuses it even more. My most recent version is and I have lots of files that need to be converted. Sorry I don't have version to test, but you can try and if doesn't work request your money back and it will be refunded the same day. Its blender compiled in this package but i'll update it in this week with open source, anyway if you need for some reason the source you can mail me and i send you the open source blender importer addon.
I bought maxtoblender in gumroad for three days ago. But I didn't received your Email for serial. If you dont see the serial in your mail Contact me by the plugin site or check your spam folder, sometimes the serial email goes to there.
Hello Auke, I have 3ds max file ,in facial rigged by morpher and shapes , if , I import that max file in blender 2. Please suggest me. To add a profile picture to your message, register your email address with Gravatar. To protect your email address, create an account on BlenderNation and log in when posting a message.
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Read about other ways to support us. Link MaxToBlender Plugin. I am a storyteller. Game Developer and Designer. Rico Cilliers on June 6, PM. Yes it is : I have friends that never touched blender that were able to test their models with the powerful cycles engine easily transfering with 2 clicks and started to love blender Reply.
Andrei on June 6, PM. Currently support for standard and Vray scenes, in future more render engines will be supported, thanks Reply. I didn't see any info on licensing. Anybody else? Hello, any question about licensing you can ask me directly in the contact page, don't worry im open to any use of this Reply. Mike Futcher on June 6, PM.