Post western world download pdf

I have provided closeup images of these said place names for your viewing convenience since these places can be hard to find. Marco, his father, and his uncle set out from Venice in and reached China in Marco Polo first set out at age 17, with his family, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road. Upon reaching China, Marco Polo entered the court of powerful Mongol ruler Kublai Khan, who dispatched him on trips to help administer the realm.

This said map lists North America as Asia. This is a Pangea type of map, but not like what we were taught in school. This map shows you no great lakes and Antarctica is attached to South America with no icecap formed yet. In the travels of Marco Polo, it states that a province called Camul is situated in between two deserts, which is exactly where Camul is on the said map, as you can see by viewing the close-up image that I have provided in this post.

All of which can be located on the said map, so yes…, this map confirms that Marco Polo visited North America, since Asia was once an extension of North America. Marco Polo also mentions the wild buffaloes he encountered later in his travels. This can be no coincidence since wild buffaloes are only indigenous to North America. Legend says that Prester John would lead his army of Knights Templar riding a Green Dragon and he had a magical mirror that allowed him to see all of the events around the world; and he had a ring of power lord of the rings that could make him invisible and summon demons good and bad demons at his will.

However, I have even read books and other sources of Prester John being over years old, which is believable because he had plenty of contact with Kings of the B. C Before Christ. Since I mentioned King Arthur above, who was king Arthur? The Merovingians were known as French Maurs Moors. A photo of Prester John is in this blog post. Notice that he is wearing Moorish attire and is holding the symbol of the Phoenician Twa X in his hand. Also, notice how the photo says Ethiopia, well Ethiopia is the land of Cush, which almost covered the entire world at one point in time.

It used to be spelled with an A[Ethiopia], because all continents start with an A and end with an A. Ethiopia is also a synonym for India since Ethiopia and India were often confused by authors in medieval times. Retrieved 20 January The term Ethiopian in ancient times did not just refer to just a region of people in Ethiopia, Africa. The term Ethiopian applied to anyone with dark or burnt Black skin.

Homer said of the Ethiopians that they live at the ends of the Earth, some near the Sunrise, some near the sunset.

In latter antiquity the world tended to become restricted to Black Africans, meaning either any Negro or someone specially from Ethiopia. The Biblical terms Cush and Cushi, which may have been specifically geographical designations from the outset, came to be translated Ethiopia and Ethiopian respectively, and the ambiguity was thereby reinforced.

This quote suggests that all so-called Black people or Negroes are Ethiopians, due to our burnt or Black skin. Was the Americas once ancient Ethiopia India? Yes, it was once Ethiopia, and I found several old-world maps to confirm this fact. Look at that Saracens head on the Andrews Family crest. The Cross became a dominant symbol because it is an all-inclusive free Energy symbol with so much meaning and power. The Cathars were into white magic, and they were a group or an order of Magi priests.

The Pope wanted world dominion so the papacy decided that only the select few should have the power of the Jedi Knight or the Magi. Therefore, all the Jedi temples mystery schools were destroyed, to suppress the true teachings. Who is a Saracen? Saint Andrews was the first apostle and the brother of Saint Peter. Saint Andrews is also the patron Saint of Scotland Black land. Saint Andrews was crucified on the Twa X and had the same kind of powers and wisdom that Jesus had, hence the reason why the Acts of Saint Peter were removed from the Bible was to hide this fact.

This is all just further evidence that Hebrews and Moors Turks and Saracens had a strong alliance at one point in time. In fact, Hebrews and Moors are the same, because we are all Hebrews, and the Tribes did intermingle with each other.

I can go with China since Tangut, which is on several old-world maps in this post, was the Empire of the Western XI people, so we have a strong connection suggesting that the Olmecs come from Tangut, which is a provenience of China that was located on the border of Tibet Tebet. Yes, I know what happen to the Olmecs. Additionally, some of the statues of the Olmecs look very Oriental with their almond-shaped eyes. Also, I found an image of a comparison between old-world Chinese spiritual customs verses the spiritual customs of Mexico.

The war between the Khan-Father Prester John and Temujin, soon to be Genghis Khan, is the biggest World War that you never heard of, because we are talking about dragons, sorcerers, ancient advanced weapons, giants, hundreds of thousands of men, etc. How did this war start between these two powerful Magi-Kings? This beef between them eventually escalates into a World war of galactic proportions.

Genghis even referred to Prester John as the Khan-Father. Even after the fake Khan Genghis defeated him no one saw Prester John fall by the sword. Why not? Well, because he had tapped into his Golden Dragon body and disappeared after he knew that he had lost the war.

How did Genghis Khan defeat such a powerful King? Well, Prester John underestimated Genghis and Genghis came with an overwhelming force. Genghis himself was a powerful Magi since he trained under Prester John and was of his Holy Grail bloodline. Prester John had also taught Genghis too much. All Olmecs and Mayans that were not destroyed had to have migrated to other parts of the Americas to become the so-called Blacks or African Americans of today. All of the real Knights Templars died in this war too defending their land and their King Prester John.

I know if my landmass is being invaded, I am going to defend it. The days of Prester John were the glory days of the Americas. The dates would line up — the Karaites were conquered by the Mongol Empire around the turn of the 13th century.

Who were the Kara-Khanid Khanate? Well, they were Blackamoors, since the name of the tribe means Black Khan. In this post is an illustration of the Races of Men from the said book. The term was devised by European Orientalists in the 19th century to describe both the dynasty and the Turks ruled by it. In the Mongols, under Chinggis Khan, overthrew the Kara Kitai empire which had in about passed under the control of an adventurer of the Naiman tribe of Mongols. When this western model of development is proved to be irrelevant to traditional societies, much of debate around modernization theory is based on its conceptualization that development is a linear process Rostow with a pre- set ultimate aim.

The contemporary development icons of the modern world were conceived as the only expected goals of the pre-modern countries. Parsons , heavily drawing upon Max Weber, presented his renowned theory of variables that implies if pre-modern countries want to be modern, they must follow the countries that are already modern. The idea that learnings from the already modern world are applied in the pre-modern world basically overlooks the truth that human history is a complex one Menou rather than being linear.

However, modernization theorists were able to notice later that different countries have different sets of needs as every society is unique but the fact is that they understood the fact not because of the modernization theory but because of their own theory Gilman This notion of linearity of modernization theory is completely unable to explain the non-linear human development phenomenon of the world. Any guideline to deal with such non- linear aspects of human development is noticeably absent in the theory and, therefore, the modernization approach fails to encapsulate the notion of linearity of modernization.

The theory must consider the situations virtually of all countries to be a theory of strongest merit in any debate regarding human development. Similarly, the theory completely overlooks some crucial issues of humanitarian aspects making the approach problematic. For example, while issues such as equal income distribution, public health and environmental concerns are important considerations for development Dreze and Sen , Sen , they are completely missing in the theory.

Interestingly, the exclusion of these issues makes countries appear more modern than they are supposed to be since modernity does not consider equality and other issues but considers only the average national income.

Although Christoff argues that the ecological modernization school of thought includes environmental aspects into development thinking, evidence is not seen to combine them in the modernization approach. Beside the notion of linearity being problematic, the dichotomization of modernity and tradition offers serious critiques for the modernization approach.

This orientation of modernization holds the idea that non- western countries are substandard even though they share the same living standards such as Japan as western countries such as the United States. Therefore, modernity and tradition are linked and sometimes interdependent, a reality which the modernization approach simply overlooks. By this subjective conceptualization, the modernization approach actually mechanically and impractically divided the world society into two so-called contrasting categories- modern and traditional Yuan Defining traditional societies negatively in relation to modern societies has been a basic objection to many scholars including Bernstein The approach again becomes vulnerable to critiques because of its ignoring of the external influences on social change.

The proponents of modernization theory Inkeles , Parsons , Rostow completely ignore the external influence on societal change by focussing mainly on the internal aspects of societal structure and values.

Tipps suitably notes that economic development, industrialization, rationalization, secularization or whatever the type of change, the process of modernization is functional at the domestic level. He further goes on to explain that modernization theory fails to explain the situation of those countries though the emergence of these countries contributed to the development of the theory.

The final point of why the modernization approach is controversial is that the term modernization itself is ambiguous. Modernization, as Tipps correctly notes, is a term simply superimposed with industrialization, adding nothing to it.

He then goes on to argue that as the term has been used simply as synonym for some pre- existing precise variables such as industrialization, it deserves no functionality to perform as a theoretical framework and therefore modernization as a theory of development is questionable.

In contrast to the above limitations of the theory, the idea of modernity is yet relevant for practical reasons. But how to achieve this modernity is a matter to really think about. Whereas modernization approach is regarded as unfashionable to many scholars, other scholars such as Inglehart and Welzel , Arts et al. Modernization theory indeed explains the social and economic changes of many countries during the last few decades and hence, should not be completely rejected as a theoretical framework.

This is not only because the theory is incapable of functioning as a framework of development but also because some objectionable assumptions are embedded in the theory. While these objections or limitations such as ethnocentrism, dichotomization of modernity and tradition, failure to recognise the external aspects of change and ambiguity are evident, the suitability and applicability of the theory are simply disproved.

Since society will always be changing, existing theories will be unable to rationalise these changes. Modernization theory came in a particular context to explain how industrialization, secularity and the nation state were relevant to changes and development. But in the course of time while societies still require modernity, modernization approach is reasonably unable to tell how to achieve this modernity.

Therefore, alternative modernity, as in the case of China developing their own style of modernity, should be thought of for the betterment of the world as a whole. Aging and Society, 24, pp. Arts, W. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40 1 , pp. CrossRef Google Scholar. Parag Khanna, The Second World. Jessica C. Gienow-Hecht, ed. David Rothkopf, Running the World. Arlene B. Perspectives on and beyond Asia London: Routledge, Pierre P. Personalised recommendations.

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