Youtube pokemon soul silver pc game free download

One thing that I really liked about this story is the way you have a bit of a jerk as a rival. Not only that, but Team Rocket is really up to no good in this game! It just feels like the stakes are a bit higher here and that is something I really like. The game looks notably better than the original. There is far more color, more detail and in all, it is just much more visually appealing. This just adds to the overall immersion of the game.

With this being a Nintendo DS game there, of course, has to be some touch screen functionality included. I like this for the menus and stuff and it does make managing this aspect of the game easier. What I really like about the touch screen features of the game is the new mini-games that they have included.

I do wish they kept the slot machine that they had in Japan though. I do not think there is what you would call a ton of new features in this remake, but the little they have added and changed does make it a great experience and well worth playing through. While there is not a huge amount of new stuff. Browse games Game Portals. Pokemon - SoulSilver Version. Same as the other Pokemon games the gameplay is viewed from a third-person overhead perspective.

There are three screens in the game including the battle screen. To increase the overall gaming progress you have to encounter the wild Pokemon using poke balls.

There are various trainers available in the game. You can increase the number of trainers by playing the game online. You can move the pokemon in four directions. There are several moves available in the game such as attacking move, left and right move, etc.


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