According to him to know how to communicate or to know how communication works it is necessary to study the communication process in general. In any communication two people are involved, these people they share information, ideas and an attitude meaning mood. In this process of sharing at least three elements are involved the communicator, message or content and the destination or receiver.
Each type of communication whether intra or inter both a sender and receiver use their knowledge to interpret the information. In communication encoding interpretation and decoding take place simultaneously. In this model communication ends up where it started, in fact as communication goes on the noise gets less or more powerful. If we consider that the source and the encoder are one person, decoder and destination are another person and the signal is language. In general this model suggested the importance of encoding and decoding process as well as the role of field of experience SHANNO WEAVER: this model shows the transmission of the message from the source to the destination, the model sets basic constituents that not only explain how communication happens but why communication sometimes fails.
Good timing plays a great role in communication, he emphasizes that always the sender initiates communication basing on his or her thoughts and transmit information through a selected media to the receiver. On the basis of received message the receiver transmits his or her emotions and feelings as feedback. In this communication process there is a noise which influences and affects the total process of communication.
This model give sthe importance of two way from of communication, according to him communication is incomplete if you don not respond.
According to this model for the message to be properly encoded and decoded the communication skills of both the sender and receiver should be at best. Knowledge: Social system: Culture: it may lead to communication breakdown Message: Content: share the topic of discussion.
Elements: the elements should match with both sides Treatment: how does the message treat the source and the receiver. Should be under same treatment. Code: Channel: Hearing: from source and receiver , before communicating you need to know the status of the audience. Seeing: the source or receiver must be seeing each other Touching: Smelling: Receiver Communication skills: Attitude: Knowledge: Social system; share where you belong Culture: it may lead to the communication breakdown.
It may be in written form or in oral form. It takes place through case to face conversation, group discussion, counseling, interview, radio and television, phones, memos, reports and emails. We use sounds and language to convey the message. It serves as a vehicle for expressing desires, ideas and concepts and it is a vital process in learning and teaching. It may be interpersonal communication or public speaking. Public speaking involves one or more people delivering a message to a group of people - signs and symbols are the major signals that make up verbal communication.
Words act like symbols and signs are secondary products of the underlined message. The main function of verbal communication is to convey a message to one or more recipients or receivers directly. This is accompanied by non linguistic features like tone or voice, facial expressions and body language. In verbal communication we inform, we inquire, we argue and discuss different topics.
This is cause by poor word choice by the speaker. Different perspectives: this means how a person regards a certain thing. Techniques used to present your ideas.
Do you use direct approach or indirect or maybe flashback? Tonation this is related to sound, such as speaking too low or the rise and fall. Pronunciation: this is when people do not speak out the word properly they have pronunciation problems. Language barrier: Knowledge you have may affect verbal communication: some people may have a knowledge and will not be able to use that knowledge. In order to avoid these challenges when communicating verbally you need to consider the message you wish to communicate before speaking or communicating with the respective audience.
You have to know if the message you are going to present suitable for that audience. Normally speak clearly, pronounce words correctly, be conscious with other non verbal features like eye contact, gesture and facial expression.
We experience verbal communication in our daily life, when we listen to news, when attending interviews and when we tell stories to our friends. Verbal communication is the beginning of communication process, meaning it is the basic form that we use to communicate daily. We use it to inform and give knowledge in different settings for example in the class room we give knowledge by using verbal communication.
It is also used to clarify issues when there is misunderstanding or there is not enough information provided. It is also used if there is something which is done wrongly or incorrectly. This is the best type of communication which gives perfect feedback. The feedback is very essential in communication since it improves relationship within a family, school or institution. Verbal communication has great influential powers, when you speak verbally you use various technique to influence the audience to understand you as well.
Which is basically concerning the sound of your voice. A lot of what we communicate is communicated through non verbal communication but the content of what we communicate most of it comes through verbal communication. In the interviews non verbal clues affect the speaker whether to get a job or not. Job skills are assessed through non verbal clues that are shown by the candidates. How we appear before the board communicates extra non verbal meaning.
To be effective communicators we need to align our body language, appearance and tone of the words we are trying to speak out. In non verbal communication we listen up and learn more. I did not tell john you were late. A firm handshake shows that there you are confident and - A weak handshake shows uncertainty.
Apart from that we get extra meaning from eye contact. If someone is settled, then the eyes will be settled. Flitting eyes and puzzled lips; conveys lack of trust. TOUCH: there is gentle touch and strong touch. It involves memos, proposal, email, letters, books, training manuals and operating policies. These materials may be written on the paper, hand written or appear on the screen such as projectors. A written text can be short or long depending on what you want to express.
The sender may be one or a group of people but normally it is only 1 sender where by the receivers are many people or groups of people. This is an official way of communication and it is preferred in most serious cases example the plaint given in court or also the defense as well should be written where by it is official. Most of the job agreements are done in written communication and it is believed that more then 67 salaries are done by writing. Writing is more significant than any other means of communication.
Therefore, for running our business we need to deploy effective writing. Effective writing: is a kind of writing that involves careful selection of words, sentences, as well as paragraphs. It is comfortable to the audience. Example the constitution. It is a permanent means of communication therefore used where records are needed for future use.
Helps in proper delegation of responsibilities in a certain organization. It is more precise and clearly understood. It is used as a defense in court, example used as evidence.
Written communication does not receive or accept immediate changes. If the readers are at a far distance it is difficult for a writer to clear out their doubts or questions. Requires great skills and competence in the language as well as vocabs used. Use objective subject lines, means the sentences should be objective and should reflect the content of the message. Decide your audience, as in being aware of your audience example 1st year law student at Tumaini meaning the writer will use legal language.
Choose correct words which would be understood by your audience. If your audience is professional use technical words. Request for action from the audience. Share your message with strategy, do not over load your audience. Meaning you need to tune and make your message soft.
You can divide your message according to the level of knowledge of your audience. Make sure whatever you write it is connected to the one above and the one below.
Be persuasive, address one one thing to one reader then addressing many to many people. Engage your audience, meaning talk to your audience. Check your message before you send it, you have to proof read your writing.
Such as taking out all errors, grammatical problems or spellings. This communication is used by managers to transmit work related information to the employees at the lower level. It is used by the managers for the following purposes. NB: organization publication, circulars, letters to the employees as well as group meetings are good example of downward communication and the managers must do them.
In order to have an effective downward communication the managers should do the following specify communication objective why you wrote the letter ensure that the message is accurate specific and non ambiguous. Utilize the best communication technique to convey the message to the receiver in a right form. To distribute work load To motivate the employees encouraging the employees in terms of command To upraise performance the managers usually evaluate the performance of the employees so they can know their strength and weaknesses.
To inform the employees about their job rational. The upper management communicate the aims to the subordinate so as to achieve the goals. When you talk about effective communication is that the intentions of the speaker have reached the receiver. These principals tell us that how your message can become effective for your can become effective for your target crew, they also tell us about style and importance of the message.
The complete information answers 5 W questions. The five question methods is normally used when you write requests, announcements and other informative message. For instance, if you want to order something from the industry you should make clear of what you want, when you need it and where is to to be sent.
But you should also provide necessary information behind your item and other related information so as to get what you deserve.
This is a prior condition to effective business communication. It saves the time and expenses for both party. Hiral started a career as fresher in IT Company. She wants to perform well at work and life in general. Which of the following skills shee need to improve? Bhupesh done a project very well. Now he is collecting feedback, insights of his work-specific proficiencies.
Neha was appointed as a head girl of school. Now needs to prepare a team for different houses. Here Ms. Smit has prepared a time table to achieve his goal. Chirag is very adaptable. If someone is worried that he or she will not perform well in exam or career, feel pressurised and have a fear of failure in life. Term 1 exam is approaching near by. Rehan is feeling unprepared. Which of the following are consequences of stress?
Which of the following activity does not reduce the stress? Which of the following stress management technique will help to become more active? Priyank is doing his work very efficiently. He is following a stress management technique which help him to give the strength. Which of the of the technique he is following? Mahek got less marks in Maths. Instead of feeling worried she has started thinking to improve next time where she did mistakes. Here which technique she has followed?
Ravi and his best friend, Shiv, have been practising for the annual school dance competition. They are both performing solo. On the day of the competition, Shiv won. Ravi felt extremely sad and dejected. He shouted at Shiv unnecessarily, cried and also did not talk to his parents for 3—4 hours. Paresh did not like to lose any game or sports. Which of the following technique can be used to identify the strengths?
Which of the following technique can be used to identify the weakness? Rekha gets up at 5 am and goes for her dance classes. Then she comes home and finishes her hoemwork before going to school. She does this all by herself. No one tells her to do it.
Which of the following can be considered as internal motivation? Which of the following can be considered as external motivation? Which one of the following is one of the qualities of self-motivated people? What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?
Which of the following are types of motivation? Which of the following refers to a set of dreams with a deadline to get them? S refers to — Strong, Solid, Silence, Specific 2. M refers to — Management, Measurable, Manageablge, Maintainable 3. A refers to — Active, Attentive, Achievable, Accurate 4. R refers to — Realistic, Reliable, Relievable, Rational 5. Which of the following is a good example of time management?
Angira made a timetable to study to achieve good score. This is refers to which of the following time table management steps? Making a to do list and assign them specific rank to finish is considered in which of the following time management steps?
Mitee is studying from Google Classroom. But after few minutes she is starting chats on whatsapp with her friends. Here which of the following time management step she is not following well? Which of the following time management steps helps us to analyse that we have used our time effectively? Which of the following is considered as ICT device? Aryan is confused about hardware and software.
Which of the following is a hardware? Which of the following is a software? Which of the following programs starts as soon as computer gets turned on? Which of the following in one of the mobile operating system? Which of the following item is not present on desktop? Manisha pressed a key on keyboard that moved the cursor to the begining of a new line.
But she did not know which key has been presses by her. Rekha wants to move the cursor to the begining of the line to the left side. Which of the following statement is correct for delete and backspace key? When the mouse is dragged on the file or icon it displays the information about the file. Which command is used to reverse the previous work done by the user? How to remove the finger marks from the screen? Which of the following can be followed to keep the laptop cool?
Which of the following is one of the process for daily maintanance? How can an anti-virus protect your device? Which of the following trap small children into inappropriate relations? What type of care should be taken while transacting online? A hacker can try to misuse your data and information and perform illegeal activity. Manoj received a call and informed about lottery for winning huge amount. The virus which replicates themselves and spread all files once they attack on computer and very difficult to remove them.
Which of the following is one of the security measures that monitor incoming and outgoing data? Suggest him by choosing the correct feature of digital documentation. She wants to access the styles and formatting option from the menu. He used the option New Style from the selection. But he is actually confused about what he has done and what changes happened in the document he is working on. If the character styles are active, character styles will be applied.
Atul is an IT teacher. He is taking viva of a student of class His student Rahul is standing in front of him. He has asked which of these is not a supported way to insert a picture in the digital document? He has copied the photos from his mobile to his laptop. Now he is going to prepare a report of that even including photos. How he can insert the picture into his laptop?
Skill Training Softskill training - 30 mins presentation for staff working in a hospital? Training session for employees - pay employees as well for that session attended? Documentation And Employee Handbook. Iihrmd - Leadership Development - Jpg Download. Confused to select the company among 3 offers - Native is Hyderabad. Activity on Importance of English language for Technical associates. Training modules to provide basic training session for our employees?
Developing HR training business - How to work for big companies as a consultant? How to do marketing of HR business? Help me to create a plan for behavioural PIP and what all things we can do? Soft Skills What kind of motivational workshops can be handled common for all level of employees?