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You may also like. Guides Elden Ring closed network test boss locations guide 11 Nov About the author. Steve Wright Steve's the owner of this very site and an active games journalist for the past ten years. This is not possible anymore. This sucks! It does, but when you think about it, you will understand why it has been done. Trophies have become a bit part of the PlayStation network. There are a lot of people questions often have when it comes to dealing with their game saves on the PlayStation 4.
I have covered most of the content people need to know in the sections above. Here are some additional questions that people often have around managing save data on the PlayStation 4.
If you have completed a hard mission or found all of the collectables in a game and want to share this progress with a friend, you are out of luck.
Game saves are locked to the PSN account they were created with. This is done to stop people cheating the trophy system. There may be other reasons for it too. If you want to share your game save with a friend, you will not be able to do it, no matter how innocent your intentions are.
The system is locked down to prevent game save sharing. There are a few documented cases where the system can be tricked into accepting a different game save, but for most people this is impossible. Yes, you can. The section above will explain how to backup game save data to a USB stick. You will be unable to use this game saves for PC versions of the games, unfortunately.
The information is unique to the PS4. You may find that for the majority of games, save game data can not be shared across user accounts.
Game saves are tied to user accounts to prevent this from happening. You can also use the network storage to transfer game save data between PS4 consoles if you have PS Plus. The instructions above will explain how to achieve this. The same rules around account locking apply as they do when copying from USB. This is not possible, unfortunately. Xbox and PlayStation have different operating systems and different methods of storing data.
The game saves that each console uses is unique. Even if it was the same, Sony does not allow game saves to be shared between user accounts, so you would be unable to use it regardless. Nerdburglars Gaming. Stream Status : Loading Share on Facebook.