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Other severe defects of concrete such as major deficiencies like exposed rebars and cavities, cold joints, re-profiling, retrofitting, major cracks, etc. Concrete repair refers to any replacing, restoring, or renewing of concrete or concrete surfaces after initial placement. Determine the causes of damage 2. Evaluate the extent of the damage 3. Evaluate the need to repair 4. Select the repair method and material 5. Prepare the existing concrete for repair 6. Implement the repair method 7. Cure the repaired area properly.

Construction Defects Some of the more common types of damage to concrete that are caused by construction defects are rock pockets and honeycombs, form failures, dimensional errors, and finishing defects. Damage due to physical impacts 3. Cracking 4. Sulfate Deterioration 5. Alkali-Aggregate Reaction 6. Abrasion-Erosion Damage 8. Cavitation Damage 9.

Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel Acid Exposure Structural Overloads. Portland cement mortar with an admixture 2. Portland cement concrete with an admixture 3.

Micro-silica modified Portland cement concrete 4. Latex modified Portland cement 5. Steel plates or steel section 7. Fiberglass reinforced plastics RFP 8.

Epoxy mortar Shotcrete The theory that the hot side i. Preferential attack on weld seams, HAZ, scaffold lug removal areas, etc. Extreme upper, non-wetted shell area often experiences accelerated corrosion. This is a very real possibility in sour crude or No. Watch for accelerated metal loss usually smooth, perhaps even grooved at the normal product high liquid level in weak acid service. These specific areas are exposed to the same environment as the upper, non-wetted shell surface.

If only the two 2 lower shell rings show accelerated corrosion, closely check the roof support columns. Problems to the same degree and elevation may be present. Foundation settlement b. Over or under-pressuring c. High winds d. Repair Techniques 4. If repair is required, develop procedure with sketch as necessary. Evaluate all issues on a case-by-case basis. Cracks in the shell-to-bottom corner weld are critical. Removal, not weld-over, is required. Type and extent of reinforcement.

Weld spacing. Proximity of reinforcement to shell weld seams. Thickness of component parts. All aspects of corrosion phenomena, all potential leak or failure mechanisms must be examined. Assessment period shall be less than or equal to the appropriate internal inspection interval. NOTE: Excessive foundation settlement can have a serious impact on the integrity of shell and bottoms.

Refer to Appendix "B" for tank bottom settlement techniques. Internal pitting. Corrosion of weld seams and HAZ c. Weld joint cracking. Stresses roof support loads and settlement. Underside corrosion i. Inadequate drainage. Lack of an annular plate ring, when required. Uneven settlement with resultant high stress. Roof support columns or other supports welded to bottom without allowance for adequate movement. Rock or gravel foundation pads.

Non-homogeneous fill under bottom i. Inadequately supported sumps. Spot U. Visual, internal survey with hammer test. UT "B" scan. Section removal i. Abrasive blast scan for capillary wicking. Deterministic See 4. Not normally used. Probabilistic See 4.

Statistical analysis based on thickness data resulting from visual, mechanical or UT survey. Unless an RBI program is in place.

See Visual Aide of Table page 4 - 9. With product SG less than 1. SG greater than 1. Settlement b. Erosion c. Cracking of concrete i. Calcining - loss of water of hydration.

Normally occurs when concrete has been exposed to high temperature for a period of time. During intermediate cooling periods, the concrete absorbs moisture, swells, loses its strength and cracks.

Chemical attack: cyclic changes in temperature and by freezing moisture. Expansion in porous concrete caused by freezing moisture - Spalling or serious structural cracks. Concrete bond deterioration - Attack by sulfate-type alkalies or even chlorides. Temperature cracks hairline with uniform width. Not Normally serious.

For repair or renewal See Prevent water entry. Distortion of anchor bolts and excessive cracking of the concrete structure in which they are embedded may indicate: i Serious foundation settlement. This failure has primarily occurred in welded tanks. Hydro test at initial erection. First filling in cold weather. After a change to lower temperature service.

After a repair-alteration. For example, the change to a more severe service involving one of the following: a. Product with a higher specific gravity. General Comments: 1. Fracture assessment would most likely be conducted by a metallurgist or design specialist. Several options exist based on the most severe combination of temperature and liquid level experienced by the tank during its life, whereby an increased potential for brittle fracture failure exists: a.

Restrict the liquid level. Restrict the minimum metal temperature c. Change service to a lower Specific Gravity. A combination of the three areas listed above. Remember: Reducing the storage temperature,- Increases the potential for failure. Shell stresses are increased and potential for failure is greater with a stored product change to a higher specific gravity.

Nature of stored product. Corrosion prevention systems. Previous inspection results. Methods-materials of construction or repair. Tank location i. Potential for air, water or soil pollution. Leak detection systems. Change in operating mode. Jurisdictional requirements. Changes in service including water bottoms. The existence of a double bottom or a release prevention barrier. Routine requirements include: a. Visual inspection from the ground. Intervals shall not exceed one month.

External check for leaks, distortion, settlement, corrosion, foundation, paint, insulation, etc. Tank may be in operation. Five 5 years from commissioning new tank. At five year intervals existing tanks where corrosion rate is not known. Determine that bottom is not severely corroded or leaking. Gather data necessary to determine minimum "t" of shell and bottom for proper evaluation. The Authorized Inspector who is responsible for evaluation of a tank must visually examine each tank and review the NDE results.

Corrosion rates established during prior surveys. Anticipated corrosion rates based on experience with tanks in similar service. Normally, bottom corrosion rates will control. Set interval so that bottom plate minimum "t" at the next inspection are not less than the values listed in Tbl In No case, shall the internal inspection interval exceed twenty 20 years.

This method includes: a. Determining bottom plate "t". Consideration of environmental risk. Consideration of inspection quality. Analysis of corrosion measurements. NOTE: Must be documented and made part of permanent record. Documentation also required. Would be very expensive and time consuming. Plant personnel could check a number of items. All are not necessary, unless special condition exists. If no records exist, judgment may be based on tanks in similar service.

Construction Records ii. Inspection History iii. Nameplate information b. Drawings c. Specifications d. Construction completion report e. NDE performed f. Material analysis g. Includes all measurements taken, condition of all parts inspected and a record of all examination and tests. Include a complete description of any unusual condition with probable reason for problem and recommendation for corrections. Sketches and detailed repair procedure should be provided if so desired by the customer.

Corrosion rate and inspection interval calculations should be furnished and made a part of the permanent file. Include results of coating-lining experience. Reason for the repair. Sketches showing location and extent. Metal thickness measurements b.

Conditions found c. Repairs d. Settlement data e. Recommendations 6. However, the results must be reviewed by an Authorized Inspector. See Section 9 for specific data. Original contract drawings, API nameplate or other suitable documentation do not require further identification.

Materials not identified must be tested. See 7. API impact values must be satisfied. Welding consumables must conform to the AWS classification that is applicable. Must meet applicable standard. Butt-weld joint with complete fusion and penetration. Calculate the maximum liquid level each course based on product specific gravity. Actual "t" measured for each course. Material allowable stress for each course.

See Table - API Selected design method. The Authorized Inspector will establish hold points. NOTE: When evaluating plate suitability, any change from the original design condition i. NOTE: The replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with rounded corners or rectangular with rounded corners, except when an entire plate is replaced. Maintain weld spacing as per established API values. NOTE: Prior to welding the new vertical joints, the existing horizontal weld must be cut for a minimum distance of twelve inches 12" beyond the new vertical joints.

As normal, weld verticals before roundseams. Fillet welded lapped patch plates are permitted. See API 3. Joints in existing lap-weld shells may be repaired according to original construction standard c.

Weld details - See API 5. Existing patch plates may be evaluated to this Standard. See figure for weld spacing details. The minimum repair plate dimension shall be 4 inches. Complete removal by gouging-grinding and the cavity properly prepared for welding.

NOTE: Maximum allowable depth of undercut: a. If welded, grind flush. Additionally, the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall be at least twice the diameter of the penetration or diameter plus twelve inches 12" , whichever is greater.

Options for alternate compliance include the following three 3 items: 9. Widely scattered pits. Pinholes c. Cracks in the bottom plates. Shell-to-bottom weld. Welded-on patch plates d. Replacement of bottom or annular plate. No 3 plate laps closer than twelve inches 12" from each other, from the tank shell, from butt weld annular joints and from joints of the annular ring to normal bottom plates. Column length revisions are also required on fixed roof tanks.

Also see API 4. Plate "t" b. Roof support structure c. Loading d. Roof-to-shell junction 9. Roofs a. Repair in accordance to original construction drawings. Items for consideration are: a. Use temporary spacers to keep roof centered. In-service repair may be limited to seal component parts or high positioned vapor seals. Adjusting hanger system or primary shoe seal types. Adding foam filler to toroidal seals. Increasing length of rim mounted secondary seals.

Replacement all or part of the primary system. Adding a rim extension to install secondary seal. NOTE: Buckled parts require replacement, not straightening. NOTE: Connection size and shell "t" limitations are: a. Eight inches 8" and smaller-minimum shell "t" 0. Fourteen inches 14" and smaller-minimum shell "t" 0. Eighteen inches 18" and smaller-minimum shell "t" 0.

Tank roof b. If no documentation is available, API Pub. A two piece pad requires a horizontal weld. Full penetration weld - pad to nozzle. Limit weld heat input as practical. Conduct NDE as required by procedure.

Pneumatically test per API procedure. After valve installation, pressure test at least 1. Cuts made a minimum of 6" away from existing weld seams, except where cuts cross existing welds. If temporary attachments are removed, grind area smooth. The existing shell-to-bottom weld connection shall not be reused unless the entire bottom is to be salvaged intact.

Vertical weld joints should not aligned with joints located in bottom plates. No welding over heat affected zones from original tank welds , except where new joints cross original joints. Refer to Fig. No welding is allowed when parts to be welded are wet from rain, snow or ice or when rain or snow is falling, or during high wind conditions unless the work is shielded.

Caution this is a common practice and should be avoided. Vertical , manual tacks - Remove. Vertical, submerged tacks - If sound, clean only. NOTE: Tack welds left in place must have been applied by a qualified welder. NOTE: All other coating must be removed prior to welding.

Under 0. NOTE: Complete vertical welding before roundseam below is welded. If the material specification is unknown or obsolete, test coupons for the procedure qualification shall be taken from the actual plate to be used.

Adding reinforcement plate to an unreinforced penetration. Installing a hot-tap connection. Consideration should be given for extra NDE on hot taps. Additionally, plate greater than 1", the back- gouged surface of root pass and final pass each side shall be examined over its full length by a magnetic particle or liquid penetrate test.

New plate to new plate: Same as API New plate to existing plate: Same as API , plus one 1 additional radiograph. Existing plate to existing plate: Same as API , plus one 1 additional radiograph. New plate to existing plate: Same as API , plus one 1 additional radiograph for each 50 feet of horizontal weld.

Existing plate to existing plate: Same as API , plus one 1 additional radiograph for each 50 of horizontal weld.. New plate to existing plate: Shall be radiographed.

Existing plate to existing plate: Shall be radiographed. NOTE: All junctions between repair and existing weld shall be radiographed. A reconstructed tank. Any tank that has had major repairs or alterations See A tank where an engineering evaluation indicates the need for the hydrostatic test.

Major would therefore include: a. The installation of any shell penetration beneath the design liquid level larger than 12" or any bottom penetration within 12" of the shell. Any shell plate beneath design liquid level or any annular plate where the longest dimension of plate exceeds 12".

New bottom installation if the foundation under the new bottom is not disturbed. The Annular ring remains intact 2. The welding repair does not result in welding on the existing bottom within the critical zone. Partial of complete jacking of a tank shell. The repair has been reviewed and approved by an engineer, in writing.

The tank owner or operator has authorized the exemption in writing. The Maximum spacing between measurement points shall be 32 feet. The following information is required a. Reconstructed to API Year reconstruction completed. If known, the original applicable standard and original date. Nominal diameter f. Nominal height. To our entire team adheres to the spirit and intent of our quality policy, as well as the directives of the quality assurance manual and its supporting quality system documentation.

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We look for people with different skill sets at varying experience levels, and results-driven professionals eager to undertake large projects at AZMWF. At your current employer, do you receive training to improve your professional and personal skills? Is your employer transparent; sharing information on strategic plans, current business situations? How about recognition? Are you regularly told that you are appreciated for the job you do?

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In return, we provide and contribute to a variety of benefits as part of our compensation package. Our benefit plans address a range of employee needs. Our policies and benefits programs, such as paid time off, are designed to actively support employees in achieving success both within and outside the workplace.

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We also have an internal job posting process that ensures qualified employees are provided promotion or transfer opportunities. Box: Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AZTRACON is involved in the following activities: cleaning, gas freeing, repairing, refurbishment and painting of storage tanks for oil, chemicals, water and wastewater; installation; repair of pressure lines for oil, gas, hot water and steam; cleaning and maintenance of heat exchanger; site painting and fencing work; erection of hangers, platforms and pipe racks and the erection and maintenance of tanks.

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