If you cannot open the EPDF file on your computer - there may be several reasons. The first and most important reason the most common is the lack of a suitable software that supports EPDF among those that are installed on your device.
A very simple way to solve this problem is to find and download the appropriate application. The first part of the task has already been done — the software supporting the EPDF file can be found in the table. Now just download and install the appropriate application. The inability to open and operate the EPDF file does not necessarily mean that you do not have an appropriate software installed on your computer.
There may be other problems that also block our ability to operate the Encapsulated Portable Document Format file.
Below is a list of possible problems. Hey man did you solved this problem. Can you share the solution. I'm facing the same problem,i eant to download the pdf but i cant.
Please can you help. The document can only be scrolled up and down but not able to download the doc I think downloading is locked. If this is really a PDF file, then viewing it requires downloading it. It's probably saved on your computer as a temporary file.
You can also edit the file the browsers handles PDF files and tell it to save it, instead of opening it inline. However, I suspect this is not really a PDF, but some kind of presentation of it in another format. Not sure why you say you are using Chrome, FyTg. Thanks for the help, i could solve the problem doing a different thing. By clicking show thumbnails, then print, then save as PDF i can now download it. You don't need to do all that. If you're using FireFox, just use the download button, that's what it's for!
Apparently there are ways to lock down the download feature. I've attached the example I am currently struggling with for your information. I am sorry the right click menu is in German, but trust me when I say that there is no download option there either. Let me know if you have any other ideas.
That doesn't look at all like that. And Chrome doesn't allow any other PDF viewer. From this we can conclude that this is not a PDF at all. It's a web site designed to offer something in pages, and so it's easily mistaken for a PDF. It might have been a PDF back on its web site in China, but that isn't what is delivered to you. Hence, this discussion does not apply. I have no idea if you can save it, because I don't know what facilities you have for saving something on a secure web site that isn't a PDF.
For a long time Windows refused to provide native PDF support. Instead, they pushed their own format, the XPS file. Never heard of it? With Windows 10, however, Microsoft has finally put PDF-saving support into the operating system itself.
This means you no longer have to download software or use online services to convert files to PDF. Meanwhile, using PDF instead means everyone can read it without a problem. This means the PDF format can adapt to different devices and machines, too. Not only can people from any operating system or device download it, but a lot of web browsers these days will open the PDF within itself, allowing you to read the document without even downloading it.
Saving it as a PDF, however, keeps all the elements of the website intact with zero hassle. First, in order to save files as PDF, we need to take a strange detour. Yes, this is the same feature you use to print documents via a printer! It may seem unusual to use the print feature, but it has its benefits. Mainly, if you can print a document, you can save it as a PDF, too. This means everything with a print function can be saved as a PDF, from Word documents to webpages.
By default, Opera opens a PDF file in the browser window instead of saving it to the downloads folder.
To change how Opera treats PDF files in the browser, follow the steps below. Tip To have PDF files open in the browser again, repeat these steps and select the Preview in Firefox option or Use other option to choose another program.