Some mod authors also tell you to change extratitleupdatedata. These can be obtained on GTA5-Mods. Just take care to pick the correct game version files. If you download a mod that ends with.
If you installed OpenIV properly, you can just double click the file, after which an OpenIV pacakge installation prompt will open. Check any information in the description window and press install. Scripts ending with the. If the script came with configuration files, follow the installation instructions for that script.
Usually the archives are made so you just select the asi and the additional folder or the additional config files and put those directly in your game root directory. As with.
For scripts, you should take note of the changelog or other comments the author had. Usually it suffices to just replace the. Rockstar releases new DLC from time to time.
Some mods keep working, other break. Here's a basic guide of steps to take to prevent this, or to get back up and running quickly! Moving or renaming dinput8. If you properly used OpenIV's mod folder, this disables all mods and you should be able to play the unmodded game and even join a GTA:O session.
Once a new DLC is announced, ensure you have a backup of the following files. It's smart to label these. I put them in a folder with the executable version. For Smuggler's Run, this is v1. When the next update drops and you want to revert, back up the new files and replace them with your old backups. You can also choose to update your mods. You can then transplant your changes from your old modded update. Most scripts rely on ScriptHookV and just use natives.
These will work after ScriptHookV gets updated for the new update, and won't need updating themselves. If a script crashes after an update, just disable it and keep an eye on the mod page. It might help to notify the script author. Outside of the common update woes, things can of course go wrong. Here are a few common things that go wrong:. You probably installed a mod pack with many vehicles or manually installed many vehicles.
This is related to gameconfig. GTA V throws this error when you have too many add-on dlcpacks loaded in dlclist. To fix this, you can remove some, or merge dlc's guide.
Check vehicles. Mod packs can add lots of resources. Usually when installing mod packs, it's necessary to get a gameconfig that allows many add-ons. Examples of big mod packs:. This repository serves as a central location for known-working gameconfig files for each GTA V update. Files based on gameconfig releases by Dilapidated on gta5-mods.
The versions folder has a folder for each supported GTA V build number, containing the gameconfig. For the latest game version, check the releases. Permissions: You may redistribute these XMLs in your own mods permitted you give credit and leave all commented lines in the XML intact.
If you make any new gameconfig discoveries or find better settings, please make a Pull Request. Skip to content. Star MVGA changes fewer things, but all for the better.. In my opinion.
Open OpenIV and click the 'Edit mode' button. Right click 'visualsettings. Navigate to the temporary folder and select 'visualsettings. Close OpenIV and delete the temporary folder.
Right click 'gameconfig. Navigate to the temporary folder and select 'gameconfig. This gives the world a more realistic look, without overcrowding it. Without this mod, the game will become increasingly unstable the more content is added. With this ini file, the in-game menu will work F6 , and it will remember the time-scale next time you load the game. This is the legendary mod from San Andreas that adds interaction between the player and pedestrians.
This mod is not essential in any way. Open OpenIV, and click the 'Edit mode' button. Add the 'ambientpedmodelsets. Download the file and unpack into the game folder. Move the 'dlcpacks' folder into 'modsupdatex64dlcpacks' Make a desktop shortcut to 'AddonPeds Editor. Unless you actually want those pre-installed characters. Right click 'dlclist. See image. Install instructions: LINK. This will make it possible to change the players look in-game. Click the little green Plus sign. Navigate to the temporary folder and select the 'Korean Style Custom' files.
Choose which version you like. I recommend 'custom momiji luxury ' both sets, and 'Default Momiji Normal ' also both sets. Now rename all files inside the set-folders, so they all have different names. It can be any name, just not the name they already have, as that would replace another pedestrian.
Now open the Addon Peds Editor and follow the same procedure as with the previous mod.