We hope to see you there! Kontolino: Smalltalk and Seaside hard at work for Small Businesses. Joachim Tuchel writes: "I a I've been playing with a web framework called Seaside and I think it's very interesting. We have a low traffic mailing list for questions sign up here and a Smalltalk dialect independant channel on the Pharo Discord sign up here.
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Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Getting Started Seaside is composed of different parts, allowing you to only load the parts you need for your project. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses.
It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. EMBED for wordpress. To access modules, define a polyfill similar to PjWebSocketPolyfill see the question on polyfills. A polyfill is a code shim that implements a feature on Javascript engines that do not otherwise support the feature.
As such, a polyfill is a Javascript global see the question on globals. If the values aren't predefined and some initialization is required in order for them to be available see the question on the bridge , then Javascript code needs to be generated to do that initialization. The code for doing this initialization is placed in the methods browserPolyfill: , domPolyfill: , and nodePolyfill:.
A given polyfill may have all three methods, but often they are actually defining globals that are available on other Javascript engines. For example, PjProcessPolyfill creates a value process for browsers that is comparable to the process value that exists in NodeJS. Copying one of these is usually a good starting point for making your own polyfills. PharoJS uses the Pharo Smalltalk pool dictionary facility to make Javascript globals available to code running in the Pharo image.
In particular groups of such symbols are defined in subclasses of PjJavascriptGlobals. The appropriate globals are automatically available to subclasses of PjApplication. If you need them in a class that doesn't subclass that, add a poolDictionaries: parameter to your subclass:instanceVariableNames:classVariableNames:package: see PjBrowserApplication for an example.
If you create your own globals, you should use the trait PjTJavascriptGlobalsInitializer , which defines a class initialize method so that a proxy is available. The simplest thing to do is to copy the PjUniversalGlobals class which make some common values available as classVariableNames:.
If the global you want to use is from some Javascript library or otherwise needs some initialization, you should look at the question on polyfills. This problem also arises when opening a PharoJS playground on a app e. The cause of the bug is that currently, we open HTML files from the disk. This works fine with Firefox and Chrome. Luckily, there is a workaround.
First, ensure you have the Safari developer tools installed. This is needed only during development. Once your app is ready for production, you export the code and make it available on a server.
You should not experience the issue. Thus, if you require accessing sensitive resources, you are likely to have to define a content security policy in your HTML file using the meta tag. You can find some examples in the Stack overflow response addressing this question.