Process-oriented approach to cities benefits the students and the professors by focusing on key ideas, concepts, and theories rather than a huge and tedious collection of facts. Historical approach to cities provides a framework for understanding urbanization and urban change over time. Global perspective and globalization context situates cities within both the larger global context and processes of economic, political, and cultural globalization and their outcomes.
Coverage of current technologies for studying cities is provided throughout. New to This Edition. New examples and applications of important urban issues such as the global financial meltdown and its impact on urban residents, including discussion of foreclosures and homeless students, as well as the aftermath for the people in cities hit by the massive earthquakes in Haiti and Japan.
This edition includes 29 new essays , covering topics such as: 1. Reorganization and streamlining of the text improves the flow between chapters and concepts within chapters, while maintaining an increased focus on more seminal issues. A second color is now used in maps, graphics, and the overall design for a more effective presentation of data.
Show order information for All Digital Paper. About the Author s. Relevant courses. Sign In We're sorry! Username Password Forgot your username or password? Sign Up Already have an access code? Instructor resource file download The work is protected by local and international copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning.
Signed out You have successfully signed out and will be required to sign back in should you need to download more resources. As title suggest, Chapter 1 states Evolution of human settlement right from the prehistoric period to till date; journey travelled through early civilizations. Chapter 2 briefs the concepts used in global green cities like London, Paris, and Barcelona with measures taken to make it more walkable, cyclable and livable cities in the world.
Chapter 3 describes the transformation of years old Indian capital Delhi. The challenges it faces over a period of time and why it is one of the least sustainable cities of the globe. The deteriorating environmental and living issues are minutely examined and author eloquently proposes mitigation and remedies at micro level. Chapter 4 takes us to proven passive strategies and concepts used in the planning of ancient Jaipur city and contemporary Chandigarh city. With the perfect blend of academics and professional practice of architecture, Prof.
Shah implemented above these findings and interwoven concept of nature in designing the Jamshedpur plan which he designed in association with Fredric Schwartz associates ,United States. Keeping the Industry aside, core is the community in planning of Jamshedpur. It is just inverse of central park idea and conceived as "town within park within city". Chapter 5 is a depiction of his extensive work in creating the green neighbourhood and connecting each other to create walkable and pedestrian friendly Jamshedpur.
Most of our cities are having uncontrolled urban sprawl where land use and density are being compromised. So it is very important to have integrated approach.
Masdar in Abu Dhabi shows sustainable concept of walled city and using ultra modern technologies to achieve a zero carbon and zero waste community in the deserts. Chapter 8 is the crux of overall studies and focused in translating Indian smart cities to be built across India.
We need to have passive strategies towards respecting the site topography, orientation, climate, appropriate material and technologies which lead to sustainability. The book entices you to read as you start and create interest further. Rational planning at micro and macro level required for optimum and desired utilization of scarce natural resources.
Mixed use, small self contained communities and neighbourhood required to ensure high quality of life with all inclusive, equitable approach for accessible, safe and low carbon footprint. The author is successful in redefining sustainable and smart cities through picturesque illustrations and renderings. He has sequentially arranged the order and able to narrate in a formal way explaining the technicalities through examples and case studies. The idea in my mind got changed is Urban Planning can help solve the infrastructural and environmental problems.
We need to harness urbanization as a positive force of social, economical and political developments as "Cities are engine of growth". Although Prof. Shah arranged the order properly but there is multiplicity as too many disciplines are attached which may not suits to the intended audience other than planning professionals.
Others may enjoy the richness, dynamism of sustainable concepts till it reaches to Intermodality and last mile connectivity. Also, it is hard to find the reference for data sourced to support his view points. There is no point questioning Prof. Shah but topic choosen by him is very vast and hot. In my opinion, he could have more enlightened us on ancient Indian sustainable planning principles and strategies adopted with more case studies.
Not but the least I would like to congratulate him for such marvelous work through this book. Kaplan's Urban Geography uncovers the excitement and richness found in cities, while tackling the wide variety of urban challenges. This text offers a comprehensive treatment of urban geography, covering the field both as it has evolved and as it exists today and fully explores the origins and development of cities.
Kaplan includes the most current research in urban studies, introduces elements of urban theory and methodology, and addresses the urban experience as a global one. Examines the spatial arrangements and distributions of activities in metropolitan areas, covering economic, social, and political landscapes. A number of metropolitan systems are discussed at both U.
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