Your personal research assistant Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research. Meet Zotero. Collect with a click. Organize your way. Cite in style. Stay in sync. Collaborate freely. Rest easy. Ready to try Zotero? This code must include certain top-level JavaScript functions, as determined by the translator type s.
In addition to the required metadata fields described above, two optional fields exist, configOptions and displayOptions. Both are JavaScript objects, with several properties that control translator behavior:. Depending on the translator type, each Zotero translator must include certain top-level JavaScript functions:. See Translator Coding for a detailed description on how these functions can be coded.
If you created or modified a translator and wish to have it added to Zotero, or are looking for support on writing translators, please submit a pull request to the Zotero Translators GitHub repo. You can also ask questions about translator development on Zotero development mailing list.
To submit a pull request, fork the Zotero Translator GitHub repository , commit your changes i. You can use your Git client of choice, but for new users we recommend SmartGit , which is free for non-commercial purposes. When you submit pull request on GitHub, your translator code will be reviewed, and you will receive comments from the Zotero developers or experienced volunteers. Once you've made any necessary changes, your translator will be added to the Zotero translator repository. Please note that contributed translators need to be licensed in a way that allows the Zotero project to distribute them and modify them.
To do so, just add a license statement to the top of the file. While there are no strict coding guidelines for translators, there are some general recommendations:. Zotero translators can operate in four different ways note that translators are not necessarily restricted to a single type : Web translators : can be activated when visiting a website.
Clicking this icon will activate the translator, saving the item metadata into your Zotero library. Import translators : can import item metadata from one of the standard storage formats, such as BibTeX or RIS, into your Zotero library. The data to be imported may be supplied as a file, through the operating system's clipboard, or it may be delivered through a web translator in this case, the role of the web translator is typically restricted to retrieving the metadata, with the import translator doing the actual parsing.
Export translators : can export item metadata from items in your Zotero library to a file in one of the standard storage formats like BibTeX or RIS.
You must use a stable GUID , as the translatorID is used for automatic updating of translators, and for calling translators within other translators.
The value is the sum of the values assigned to each type: import 1 , export 2 , web 4 and search 8. For web translators , the target should specify a JavaScript regular expression note that escaping requires two backslashes: one for the regular expression itself, and one for the JSON, e.
If using Scaffold, the add-on takes care of the JSON escaping, so backslashes do not need to be escaped. When only matching a domain, the translator should terminate in a forward slash, so it only matches a non-proxied domain. In Keychain Access, create build keychain with password. Create a config-custom. Unicode NSIS 2. The Windows SDK is needed for the included signtool. Only the main Windows SDK component is required. Verify that git is set to check out files without modifying line endings.
If set to true as it may be if you selected the default option while installing the Windows version of git , change this with the following command: git config --global core. After checking out the zotero-standalone-build repository as explained above, adjust the paths in config. Omit the -s flag when calling.