When was the last time you tested your internet speed? If your internet speed is slow to begin with, nothing you do to your PS4 is going to improve things. Test your connection using a laptop or desktop computer by going to Speedtest.
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Changing DNS servers, ritualistically switching between WiFi and Ethernet, superstitiously pausing and unpausing downloads at different completion percentages, and even trying to let all downloads progress while the PS4 is in Rest Mode.
Nothing ever worked. I finally landed on this potential fix from Redditor TheTigerbite, which described a very simple four-step process that only took a couple of minutes and basically completely uncapped my PSN download speeds. I'm just here to let you know that, if you fall into the camp I've been stuck in for years -- every fix you come across not working -- this one actually works. That's it. After literal years of intermittent Googling and tinkering with my router and internet settings, this solution actually worked.
Slow PS4 downloads are usually caused by poor internet connections rather than issues with the console itself. Internet problems can be caused by faulty hardware or limitations set by your Internet service provider. Depending on your internet plan, you may be limited in the amount of data you can download at a time. If you notice that your internet connection is chronically slow, consider upgrading to a better plan or switching providers. Your modem and router also have limits on how much data they can handle at one time.
Even if you pay for a top tier internet package, you can only fully use it if your hardware is capable of supporting it. You can check with your internet service provider to make sure you have the right equipment for your internet plan. Optimizing your Internet and Wi-Fi settings doesn't just mean paying for a faster Internet connection; There are several free tips you can try to improve your connection efficiency:. DNS servers translate user-friendly web addresses into IP addresses, which is why they are called Internet phone books.
To change DNS server:. What are the benefits of using proxies on PS4? One of the advantages of playing offline games over online games is that you do not have to deal with network lags that will make the user experience horrible. Using a fast datacenter proxy server will reduce latency and ping and in a way, put lags at the barest minimum while ensuring you a smooth game play. Some game sites have the habit of making some games available only in some specific countries while gamers from other countries are left out.
If your country is not supported and you still want to play the game, then you need to look for proxies from that country and make use of it to grant you access to the game. Aside from you being allowed to play specific games, some websites will outrightly deny you access because of your region or because you have been caught spamming. Some networks, such as schools and offices, also block some game sites. To unblock these sites, all you need is to set up a proxy server on your PS4 console, and access will be granted.
Gaming websites are not aggressively fighting the use of proxies, as some e-commerce or social media sites do. Because of this, we can make use of private datacenter proxies for playing games effortlessly.