They will vote for the candidate whose positions best align with their personality, and their opinion of the candidates may also affect their vote. The candidate with the plurality of votes becomes the mayor until the next election. They will receive visits from constituents in their room unless their schedule is set to Work during that period, particularly by people who are very unhappy or very content. Complaining colonists can find relief in venting to the mayor, and the mayor of a happy, well-functioning colony will be pleased by the words of support they receive.
Mental Illness and Treatment The number of mental breaks has been vastly improved, and colonists will break differently depending on their traits. Inhabitants of the rimworld can also develop anxiety usually in their teenage years , or acquire it after suffering PTSD from a stressful mental break.
Some traits that can make colonists undesirable, like chemical interest and pyromania, can also now be treated to mitigate their effects at the cost of medical upkeep.
Additionally, the drug methadone is now available to help treat addiction. Instead of removing legs or trapping colonists in walled-up rooms, you can put them on a methadone regimen to eliminate the severe mood penalty, though they will still suffer all the physical effects of addiction. Methadone itself is mildly addictive, so be careful! New Thoughts Adrenaline Rush : Pawns get a short mood boost when killing a hostile from an enemy faction.
This gives them some relief at having defended their home. Dreams : Pawns may have dreams while sleeping which can affect their mood. Passionate Work : Pawns will be a little happier while doing something they have a burning passion for. They will get a gradually worsening mood penalty depending on how many other colony members are wearing a perfectly matching outfit.
Thomas Riker 21 Mar, pm. Does this still work? Cloud 4 Mar, am. Will this ever be updated to B18? MrAlangor 21 Nov, pm. Update for B18? Etherdreamer This is the a16 version; Steam has it tagged wrong because the reason in my last post. Etherdreamer 18 Nov, pm. Barik Morloc I've seen that happen once before, after the A16 update. The mod author had set the active RimWorld version to A15 and uploaded an Aupdated mod; Steam tagged the mod as A15 because of the version that was active on the author's system.
The author figured it out after around twenty hours, reset the active version to A16, re-uploadad the mod, and everything was fine again. Barik 4 Oct, pm. Why'd you tag this as a 0. Share to your Steam activity feed. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sign In Create an Account Cancel.
File Size. Required items. The Word-Mule Offline. See all collections some may be hidden. Subscribe to download [A17] Psychology. This item has been added to your Subscriptions.
Some games will require you to relaunch them before the item will be downloaded. Doesn't break saves! Mod options available! It adds innumerable layers of depth other mods could never hope to achieve. Well done. I am much less likely to play without it. Your colonists, and the stories you can tell about them, are what make Rimworld such a fun game.
Unfortunately, besides what they can contribute to the colony, colonists are pretty much interchangeable. Now, everyone you encounter will have a unique and recognizable character archetype, giving them massively increased depth and charm. Their personality traits will affect absolutely every facet of their interactions with other people, which have also been expanded to allow your colonists more ways to get to know each other and express their individuality.
Popular Discussions View All 6. CoolD00de 22 Nov, pm. Can't wait to see how this pairs with warcrimes! Banderi 9 Sep, pm. I think it should be specified in the details that the mod actually DOES break the saves if attempted to remove. Castle in the Attic 21 Oct, am.